National Park Trust College Ambassador Program 2024-2025 Pre-Outing Form

Please complete this Pre-Outing form BEFORE the scheduled date of your outing. The National Park Trust uses this form to organize and acknowledge all of the college ambassador outings throughout the program year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:

National Park Trust College Ambassador Program 2024-2025 Pre-Outing Form

Example: John Doe, Jane Doe
Outing Type?(Required)
Example: “First Landing State Park – 2500 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23451”
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Do you have a planed "rain date" for this outing?(Required)
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Example: 10 am – Participants arrive at recreation center and drive to Zion NP 11 am- Arrive at Zion NP and meet with Ranger Joe for program and Hike 12:30 pm- Lunch 1:30 pm- Hike the Narrows 3:00 pm- Head pack to vans and drive back to campus 3:30 pm- collect post outing surveys and give away water bottles 4:00 pm – Outing complete

College Ambassador Acknowlagements

After each outing the National Park Trust will be collecting: 1. Participant Post Outing Surveys from all participants on your outings 2. a blog write up 3. photos and videos from the outing. If you have any questions about these reports please contact
I have a plan for all participants on this outing to complete the "Participant Post Outing Survey".(Required)
The participant Post Outing Survey QR code and link can be found within your shared folders
I have a plan to take high quality pictures and videos on this outing.(Required)
I have a plan to complete the Blog Write Up.(Required)
Examples of these Blog Write Ups can be found in your shared folders