Protected Park
Virgin Islands National Park, VI

In 2002, National Park Trust partnered with a non-profit foundation to buy approximately 5.36 acres of land, with ocean shoreline, for more than 1.1 million dollars. The land was adjacent to the southeastern national park boundary along Drunk Bay. Though undeveloped, the area had been subdivided, including added road access.
The purchase of the land by the Park Trust and transfer by donation to the National Park Service in 2005 brought most of the coastline of Drunk Bay and Nanny Point under permanent protection from what could have been beachfront development.
Incorporating the shoreline into the park allows NPS to better manage access and protect the nearby Virgin Islands Coral Reef National Monument. The property transferred to NPS added a population of a very rare plant, Solanum conocarpum (Marron bacora) to the park. The plant, a member of the tomato family and once found in Puerto Rico, St. Thomas, St. John, and Tortola (British V.I.), now only lives on St. John and Tortola, a total of fewer than 200 plants. With the addition of the 5.36 acres to Virgin Islands National Park, 6 of 7 populations of plants on the island are now under the protection of the National Park Service. In May 2005, the NPS accepted the donation of the property.

Project Details:
Project Years: 2002-2005
Parcel Size: 5.36 acres
Project Cost: $1,200,000
Long Term Significance of the Acquisition:
- Wild marron bacoba plants are protected
- Marine resources along the property are better protected
- Addition protects most of the natural shoreline of Drunk Bay
Value to the Park and Public:
- Drunk Bay remains undeveloped, allowing visitors to enjoy the natural shoreline and a more secluded section of the beach