Over the next four weeks, you will explore four national park sites with our mascot Buddy Bison: Grand Canyon National Park, Big Cypress National Preserve, Yellowstone National Park, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Each week Buddy will have five fun activities for you to enjoy, including experiments, crafts, virtual tours, Jr. Ranger Booklets, and eco-challenges. Complete one activity per day or learn at your own pace!

This week we are going to explore Grand Canyon National Park in Arizona. The South Rim is the most visited section of the park at 7,000 feet above sea level and up to one mile above the valley floor. In addition to the stunning geological features that make the park famous, Grand Canyon has ties to 11 different Native American tribes and is home to over 1,500 plants and 500 animals.
Click below to learn more about the Grand Canyon and get started on this week’s camp activities!

Buddy Bison has been working on his TikTok moves and wants you to join him! Learn the steps to the Blinding Lights Challenge and dance along with Buddy Bison. Then post your own recording on social media! Challenge your friends and get creative.

Water shaped the Grand Canyon into what it is today, and every day more and more people use up this limited resource. That’s why it is so important that we use our water wisely and not waste it. There are many simple things you can do to help. Learn how to conserve water at home by building smart water habits!

The best way to get a view of the Grand Canyon is to soar above it. Luckily, we don’t have to grow wings to take in the sights. Check out this virtual tour and see the park’s natural wonders for yourself!

The Grand Canyon’s cliffs, mesas, and valleys have inspired countless artists and photographers. Capture the beauty of the landscape’s rock formations and sunset backdrop using art supplies from home!

Learn the basics of archaeology by downloading and completing this NPS Junior Ranger Booklet. Once finished with all of the activities, submit your booklet to the National Park Service to receive a Junior Ranger badge for your hard work! The best way to get a view of the Grand Canyon is to soar above it. Luckily, we don’t have to grow wings to take in the sights. Check out this virtual tour and see the park’s natural wonders for yourself!

The force of the Colorado River has carved the rock of the Grand Canyon over millions of years. Try this experiment at home and observe the effects of water erosion…without the million-year wait. The Grand Canyon’s cliffs, mesas, and valleys have inspired countless artists and photographers. Capture the beauty of the landscape’s rock formations and sunset backdrop using art supplies from home!