Thanks for joining us for week one of Camp Buddy Bison when we explored Grand Canyon National Park. Over the next three weeks, we will discover three other national park sites with our mascot Buddy Bison: Big Cypress National Preserve, Yellowstone National Park, and Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Each week, Buddy will have five fun activities for you to enjoy, including experiments, crafts, virtual tours, Jr. Ranger Booklets, and eco-challenges. Complete one or more activities per day.

Larger than the entire state of Rhode Island, Big Cypress National Preserve in south Florida is the nation’s first national preserve. Covering over 720,000 acres of swampland, the freshwater that flows through the preserve sustains many ecosystems along Florida’s southern coast. Big Cypress is home to both tropical and temperate plant communities and a diversity of wildlife, including the elusive Florida panther.
Click below to learn more about Big Cypress and get started on this week’s activities!

It’s just as important to take time to de-stress as it is to get moving. This week, let your mind wander among the stars with this guided meditation by Cosmic Kids.

Kirby Storter Roadside Park offers a one-mile boardwalk through tall grass and cypress trees, ending in an overlook where alligators and a variety of wildlife live. Take a virtual stroll on this boardwalk trail and see what animals you can find!

Big Cypress is made up of five distinct habitats, making it the ideal home for all sorts of birds, mammals, and reptiles. Learn what makes each habitat special; then see if you can match Big Cypress’ wild residents to their homes.

For park rangers, becoming familiar with the unique looks and sounds made by the animals in their park is all part of the job. Put on your ranger hat and study the Trading Cards available on Big Cypress’ website to test your animal identification skills.

Did you know that Big Cypress is a designated International Dark Sky Place? If you visit the park at night you can take in stunning views of the Milky Way and thousands of stars! Bring those views to where you live by creating a constellation flashlight.

In order to become a Dark Sky Place, the rangers at Big Cypress had to do a lot of work to ensure energy-efficient outdoor lighting standards were established. You too can learn how to conserve energy at home by taking these easy steps.