National Park Trust to Launch #MyParkOurFuture Campaign on Earth Day 2022

A Social Media Celebration of Parks and Their Importance to Our Future
Washington, D.C. (April 21, 2022) – Earth Day (April 22) marks the official kick-off of National Park Trust’s #MyParkOurFuture campaign, a social media celebration for park enthusiasts around the country who Park Trust is encouraging to post a photo of their favorite park and share in 3 words why parks are important for our collective future. The National Park Trust is challenging everyone who loves our parks to post and to challenge their friends to do the same.
“We encourage everyone to join us in this social media campaign, using the hashtag #MyParkOurFuture. We also invite participants to reflect and challenge their friends to think about how important parks have been during the pandemic and to ask themselves how their favorite park is vital to their personal future, their community’s future, and the future of our planet,”
said Grace Lee, executive director, National Park Trust
The month-long campaign will culminate on Kids to Parks Day, a national day of outdoor play held on Saturday, May 21, 2022. On Monday, May 23rd, National Park Trust will announce 50 winners who participated in the campaign, selected at random, to receive a park experience prize package which includes an America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass and other gifts.
“We hope everyone will have fun looking at photographs from favorite park trips and post their personal reasons why this park is important for our future,” added Grace Lee.
To be entered to win one of 50 campaign prize packages:
- Post a photo from your favorite park on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter
- Tell us in 3 words why parks and/or your favorite park are important for our future
- Use the hashtag #MyParkOurFuture
- Tag the park and us in your post – Instagram and Facebook: @nationalparktrust, Twitter: @NatParkTrust
- Tag 3 friends and ask them to create their own #MyParkOurFuture posts
For more information on #MyParkOurFuture and Kids to Parks Day, please visit
National Park Trust’s mission is to preserve parks today and create park stewards for tomorrow. Since 1983, the Park Trust has acquired many of the missing pieces of our national parks, benefiting 51 national park sites. Our national youth education and family initiatives, including our Buddy Bison Programs and Kids to Parks Day, serve more than 300 Title I schools annually and cultivate future park stewards. We believe that our public parks, lands, and waters should be cared for, enjoyed by, and preserved by all for current and future generations. Find out more at
Media Contact: Ivan Levin at 540.818.5818 or